Posts Tagged ‘Financial Advisor’
Google Easily Finds Peter Blatt, Palm Beach Gardens Financial Advisor Walking Into His Office!
A few weeks ago, one of my clients called extremely excited and said, ‘I found you on Google Earth.’ That sounded to me like she found me doing a Google…
Read MoreHow to thrive in 2021
During the week before Christmas, I hiked with my younger son’s Scout Troop on the Appalachian Trail. This trip was planned early in 2020 and was considered an Advanced Hiking/Backpacking…
Read MoreHow to evaluate the lessons we are learning from this year
Changing plans does not mean changing your outlook. At the end of each day of hiking the Continental Divide Trail with the Boy Scouts, each of the boys would discuss…
Read MorePalm Beach Gardens, Unemployment Rates, New Technology Jobs, and Selling in May
Early this morning as I was walking my golden retriever, Jack, I noticed the oddest of conversations. Some of my other dog walking neighbors, were upbeat and positive. One of…
Read MorePolitics and Personal Budgeting
Earlier this week, I was watching Bloomberg at about 5 AM, and a poll streamed across the board. The poll was in regards to safety and the Coronavirus, it stated…
Read MoreFreedoms We Take For Granted
A few days ago walking my dog Jack, I noticed a neighbor hanging an American flag. As I walked by and thought how nice that was to display patriotism, I…
Read MoreImportant COVID-19 Legislative Updates
Yesterday morning, I was walking my golden retriever Jack. He stopped suddenly when saw a giant turtle. It took some encouragement form me but he started to move forward. On…
Read MoreThoughts for the Week
My right foot is feeling a lot better. Today I was able to see my physical therapist at 8 AM. The first time I met with him was last week…
Read MoreHow concerned should investors be about the Coronavirus?
Two weeks ago, I broke my right foot. It was the first time I have ever broken a bone. There is a good story about how I broke my foot,…
Read MoreUnderstanding the newest Tax Act from Congress
It seems that every year Congress gives us an impossible task. I am not talking about politics. I am talking about the newest tax law changes that will become effective…
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