After Hurricane Dorian left us and proceeded north, I asked my younger son David, to help me return the outdoor furniture we stored in our garage to the backyard. In the process of moving the furniture our Golden Retriever Jack ran outside. Now Jack is a very loyal 6-year old Golden Retriever who loves to jump and run. He ran off and about 20 minutes later (after all the furniture was moved) he returned home. The next morning at 6:00 AM as I was walking Jack one of our neighbors approached me with a question, ‘your dog looks just like a dog I saw yesterday morning walking in the middle of the street, he looked like he had no care in the world and I was worried that he would be hit by a car. As I approached him, he waged his tail and ran off. IS that your dog that ran outside off a leash yesterday?’
Now this question reminds me of the reluctance for people to do financial planning but who are willing to talk about President Trump. In the past, sex, money (financial planning), and politics were never discussed around the dinner table. If we think that the new dinner tables as the internet and its associated Google searches, you will find this is no longer the case. President Trump has far surpassed the normal amount of searches than other of these older taboo topics. Reports from Google Trends.
If you look at different regions, you will notice that President Trump is more often searched than the broader categories of investing or money.
As an aside, the bigger question you might want to ask is how does the President of the United States effect your investments. Twice this year, we will discuss this in one of our Dine and Discover’s once at our annual event and another time with a Washington insider in the middle of November.
One of the lessons learned from these graphs is that personal finance might be more important for people but they are less likely to actually research this information than checking in with the lasted President Trump buzz.
As I fumbled for an answer-yes it was my dog, yes I was irresponsible for letting him out, I realized there was no good answer to this question. Our actions might not always be correct, but sometimes, we can be made aware of them and change.
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