The Blatt Watch by Peter Blatt: How to view summertime as a suspension of time

From the desk of Peter Blatt, J.D., LL.M. 

A 6-day trip could feel like a 3-month suspension in time.  What a family trip can teach you about making good financial decisions. Last week, I drove my family to Blowing Rock, North Carolina which was a long drive. We did it over 2 days. We stopped in Savannah, Georgia and stayed at a chain hotel. We dropped off my 10-year old son at Hendersonville, North Carolina and he is staying at sleep away camp for a month. The total time out of the office was 6 days, which included 3-days of driving. It was intended to be our ‘family’ vacation. I did the driving, and my wife fell asleep for about half of the time. The boys in the back seat had their electronics and in order to make the most of the experience I had over 24-hours of pure thinking time.

Looking out the car window, I had lots of time to reflect on where I was going. I felt tired from the drive, but I knew my destination. As each mile ticked away, new sights appeared. I had plenty of gas, and was in a comfortable position for the ride.

This week we had a nice couple become new clients. They are entrusting us with their life savings. It is all they have. They are just retired and plan to live for the next 30 years on their savings and social security. They planned well and came with just enough. Their final part of their plan was to find an experienced retirement planner to help guide them over their next 30 years. The plan we put in place provides a view looking ahead, the ride is comfortable, and they will be prepared for new sights along the way.

Sometime we need a few days off to recharge. Sometimes, even on boring long drives we learn things. Always take a moment and thank your fellow travelers and remember we are in this together.

Peter Blatt

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