During the week before Christmas, I hiked with my younger son’s Scout Troop on the Appalachian Trail. This trip was planned early in 2020 and was considered an Advanced Hiking/Backpacking Trip. My son, David, who served two consecutive terms as Senior Patrol Leader, led the hike. We hiked on the Indian Trail Loop over a three day period. We hiked over 35 miles, slept outside in tents, and backpacked with all our supplies. I am happy to report no one was hurt. As we hiked out the last day, finding our cars, I started to reminisce about 2020. It could have been the fact that we ran out of water about 2 miles before we found the cars.

The question that I ask myself as we wrap this year up, is what benefit do we gain from reminiscing about the year? Or another way to put it—what lessons can we glean from 2020?
About 10 years ago, I learned a concept called ‘equanimity’ and this year tested my ability to remain in this state. There are a lot of good internet definitions of equanimity. However, this year I would like to use the definition of a pause before reacting to news. Imagine someone tells you something inflammatory and you become angry, disappointed, sad, etc. You can view the comment as lighting a flame or striking a match in you. You can then use equanimity—a pause—and choose to notice how you are feeling and how this action causes you to feel; and, therefore, choose not react. This calmness in the storm allows us to not let outside influences dictate our reactions.
As a Palm Beach Gardens financial planner, driving home to Florida, thoughts of the trip and the excitement of completing something difficult allows me to clear my head. The year 2020 as a Wealth Manager and as a Financial Advisor, was one of the most interesting years since I started working in the industry more than 20 years ago.
So, what will 2021 bring? The short answer is that it does not matter. We can control how we feel about things. Maybe the better question as this year begins is, “what can I do to improve the lives of myself, my family and my friends? For those who are working, what can I do to improve the lives of myself, my family, my friends and my clients?”
How do you thrive in 2021? The answer is to take a moment for yourself. Do not stress about outside influences. Focus on improving the lives of yourself, your family, and your friends.
Happy New Year!
Peter Blatt
Plan Today. Protect Tomorrow.
©Copyright 2021 by Peter Blatt. All rights reserved.
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