
The Blatt Watch: Politics and Personal Budgeting

April 24, 2020

By Peter Blatt, J.D., LL.M. Earlier this week, I was watching Bloomberg at about 5 AM, and a poll streamed across the board. The poll was in regards to safety…

The Blatt Watch: Freedoms We Take For Granted

April 10, 2020

By Peter Blatt, J.D., LL.M. A few days ago walking my dog Jack, I noticed a neighbor hanging an American flag. As I walked by and thought how nice that…

Important COVID-19 Legislative Updates

March 31, 2020

Yesterday morning, I was walking my golden retriever Jack. He stopped suddenly when saw a giant turtle. It took some encouragement form me but he started to move forward. On…

Thoughts for the Week

March 20, 2020

My right foot is feeling a lot better. Today I was able to see my physical therapist at 8 AM. The first time I met with him was last week…

How concerned should investors be about the Coronavirus?

February 25, 2020

Two weeks ago, I broke my right foot. It was the first time I have ever broken a bone. There is a good story about how I broke my foot,…

Understanding the newest Tax Act from Congress

December 23, 2019

It seems that every year Congress gives us an impossible task. I am not talking about politics. I am talking about the newest tax law changes that will become effective…

Hiking and Preparing allows a better understanding in achieving goals.

November 20, 2019

Last Week, my 16-year old son, David and I went for a long hike to prepare for our next Boy Scout camping trip. During the weekend of December 14th, we…

Did the Trump Tax Act Stop the Top 5% from Giving the Charity?

October 14, 2019

Last week on Sunday, my 16 year old son, David, spent four hours studying World History, Chinese and Math. He has three exams on Monday. While watching him study, I…

Trump and Financial planning in Palm Beach Gardens Florida

September 17, 2019

After Hurricane Dorian left us and proceeded north, I asked my younger son David, to help me return the outdoor furniture we stored in our garage to the backyard. In…

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